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Entries Tagged as 'RTS'

Command & Conquer 4 Review: Breaking Rules

April 22nd, 2010 · 15 Comments · Electronic Arts, Gameshark, Review, RTS

I hated writing this review. I hated playing this game. I hated thinking about playing this game because I had to write the review. When people talk about strategy/RPG hybrids, I wonder how many of them mean a game like this where you need to play for hours and hours and hours just to see […]



Majesty 2 Kingmaker Update

April 21st, 2010 · 5 Comments · Me, RTS

As I noted a few days ago, the opening mission in the Kingmaker campaign is a pain in the ass. But I finally beat it by realizing that the easiest thing to do was just hunker down and forget about taking out bear dens or wolf dens that weren’t close to wandering heroes. So by […]



Difficult Problems

April 18th, 2010 · 8 Comments · Me, RTS

When it comes to RTSes, I’m not a noob. When I review a game, I start on “normal difficulty” to see how things work for the average gamer, but often bump it up to “hard” before long. I only pull back to “easy” when I need to see how a campaign story plays out and […]



Three Moves Ahead Episode 57: Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer 4

March 23rd, 2010 · 9 Comments · Electronic Arts, Gas Powered Games, Podcast, RTS, Three Moves Ahead

Troy, Tom and Julian devote the hour to dissecting the surprisingly good Supreme Commander 2 and the disappointing Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. Why does SupCom 2’s deviation from the franchise formula make the game better? Why is it like Sins of a Solar Empire and Demigod? Do we want to gain experience points […]



Supreme Commander 2 Review

March 22nd, 2010 · 12 Comments · Gameshark, Gas Powered Games, RTS

I like Supreme Commander 2, but I totally understand why a lot of people will not. I often think about what concepts are core to a series. What makes a Europa Universalis game a Europa Universalis game? What makes Civ Civ? How much or how gradually can you change a game before it is not […]



The RTS Boss Battle

March 19th, 2010 · 17 Comments · Design, RTS

In his mostly glowing review of Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising, Bill Abner hits on one of my personal annoyances with RTS campaigns – the boss battle. This annoyed me in the original game and it doesn’t serve its purpose any better in the expansion. It just makes no sense to me at all […]

