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Flash of Steel/Three Moves Ahead Meetup August 14

August 14th, 2010 by Troy Goodfellow · 13 Comments · Me

This is the official meet up notice for the upcoming FoS/TMA gathering. As I’ve said on the podcast, I settled on the 14th of August in downtown Washington DC. The time will be 2:30 in the afternoon so we can drink leisurely and people can find their way home before it gets late. Most of us are adults.

Location: Gordon Biersch on F street. It has beer and food.

I will make reservations based on how many people reply to this thread or Twit me or send me an email. I am looking at a mid afternoon/late lunch thing so people can get back to where they need to go.

I will also bring as many TMA buttons as I can find.


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