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The Coming Week

May 12th, 2008 by Troy Goodfellow · No Comments · Me

Apologies for the posting delay. It has been one of those weekends where things pop-up that you need to deal with. Ongoing negotiations over new opportunities, meeting deadlines and having Bruce drop four turn summaries of the Making of the President Game that we completed months ago…nothing so tests the mind as trying to recall what was going through your head in March.

I’ll get those turns loaded through this week and I promise to spend some time on meatier stuff somewhere in there.

Oh, and hello to all those Kotaku and Rock, Paper, Shotgun visitors who came to visit my series on Roman games but decided to stick around for the scenery. They would have done you a favor by linking directly to the initial post, here, instead of to the category tag, since it takes you everywhere you need to go, but so long as you’re here, have fun.


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