I liked it more than I thought I would. When you pull off an assault against an entrenched enemy with minor losses and combined arms, it really feels nice. It looks pretty good, too and the reinforcement based on objectives is a great way to encourage action and progress.
Ultimately, it comes apart because the interface is dated and confusing. You need to clutter up the screen to figure out which of your infantry are which and the supply line micromanaging adds a level of complexity that calls for better tools. Because the battlefields are so huge, managing a real time offensive means you need good peripheral vision to keep an eye on the minimap while you plan an attack somewhere else. Vehicles move fast, though, so if you see a red line of something or other on the other side of the map, it’s probably too late to do anything. Better sound cues that tell you that you are under attack would be greatly appreciated. Horns, alarms, flashing lights…anything.
One thing I didn’t talk much about in my review was that your troops can steal enemy tanks and guns. Enemy guns I can see, I suppose. But was there a lot of tank jacking in WW2? Were the designs so interchangeable that an American mechanic could swipe a Tiger in the night, repair it and then go nuts on the battlefield?
Using captured vehicles was actually fairly common. The Germans used a lot of T-34s and KV-1s on the Russian Front for example, and had a French tank company (I want to say the unit was the 100th?) in Normandy. I’ve seen photos of Panthers with US markings, although I don’t know how common that was. Considering that a great number of German tanks were lost to mechanical difficulties, I suppose it wasn’t that hard for Allies to come across German platforms.
At the same time obviously there’s a learning curve, but I’m assuming from a game design perspective you’re not going to worry about that and instead just go with the insta-captures.
Wasn’t that pretty much Battlefield 1942? Not in terms of open world, but couldn’t you jack enemy vehicles?