Turn One Turn Two Turn Three Turn Four Phase 1 -2 Kennedy, initiative, Nixon goes first (16 vs 21) NIXON 1: Nelson Rockefeller 3CP (+1 rest): +1 NJ (zero), +1 PA, +1 NY +77 260-277 Bruce: With so many Endorsements breaking ties for me, I can play the game very close to the “flip point†[…]
Entries Tagged as 'AAR1960'
1960: The Making of a President TURN FIVE
May 25th, 2008 · Comments Off on 1960: The Making of a President TURN FIVE · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
1960: The Making of a President TURN FOUR
May 17th, 2008 · 1 Comment · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
Turn One Turn Two Turn Three At long last, we return to the hustings. Phase 1 -2 red, Nixon Initiative. Kennedy goes first (13 to 16) KENNEDY 1: New Frontier / Event: Discard Stature Gap, Civil Rights Act NIXON 1: Gaffe / Event: -1 Momentum (to zero!) and -3 support MI (to zero, only has […]
1960: The Making of a President TURN THREE
February 12th, 2008 · 1 Comment · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
Turn One Turn Two TURN 3 Phase 1 -2 blue Kennedy Initiative, Nixon first (11 to 12) NIXON 1: Citizens for Nixon-Lodge / Event: +1 to all CP for turn (+2 rest cube) no change KENNEDY 1: Fatigue Sets In 4CP: move to Midwest, +1 WI, +1 MN, +1 OH (to zero) (do not activate […]
1960: Making of a President TURN TWO
January 30th, 2008 · 4 Comments · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
TURN ONE. Momentum 3 Nixon, 2 Kennedy Initiative: 2 blue 1 red, Nixon goes first Phase 1 NIXON 1: The Old Nixon / Event: Kennedy loses 2 momentum down to zero, Nixon loses 1, down to 2 KENNEDY 1: Lazy Shave 3CP (1 rest cube) +1 PA, +2 NY (draws 1 red, 1 blue = […]
1960: Making of a President TURN ONE
January 28th, 2008 · 6 Comments · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
What We Are Doing Some Basic Terms TURN 1 Troy plays Kennedy, Bruce plays Nixon. The card played is listed. If CP is spent, the states that have changes in support are noted. Blue numbers means a Kennedy lead, Red a Nixon lead. START: 314-223 Phase 1:
1960 AAR Pre-Game: Basic Terminology
January 23rd, 2008 · 1 Comment · AAR, AAR1960, Board Games
Before Bruce and I get into our write-up about 1960: Making of the President, there are some basic terms and concepts that should be explained. We’ll get into more sophisticated stuff in context. If you want to read the rules, you can find them here. Each player plays five cards in sequential phases until the […]