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Welcome to Supervision Required

September 28th, 2012 by Troy Goodfellow · 4 Comments · Me, Supervision Required

I’ll have more to say about my new collaborative project with the amazing Jenn Cutter on Monday. But for now, you can read her introduction to the idea over on her blog.

I am very excited, and a little terrified.


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Chris Floyd

    I’m a bit confused by the cards and the swear jar stuff. That’s some serious gamification! But I’m fascinated to see how it works!

  • Tareq

    I read jenn’s blog post and im not sure how I feel about th whole thing. However, im glad u r doing something new espcially thay u have been delaying ur TV channel show for some time. I hope it turns out to be good and ill try to show up on sunday for the live show. Best of luck

  • Troy Goodfellow

    I’ll have news about FoSTV on Monday as well. Rest assured that this is not a dead idea, and I think SupReq could be the kick in the pants I need to get my creative juices going.

  • Otagan

    I get the sense this is an idea I’ll need to see in motion before it fully clicks. The basic premise of having two competing Let’s Plays with different objectives to serve as a handicap is considerably more intriguing at first glance than the whole card system, but I can reserve judgment on that until all the rules are out.

    I think I’m more sad about not being able to watch on the 6th than anything else, since it’d make for an interesting watch but my schedule doesn’t allow it. I’ll catch the archived version later, but best of luck to the two of you while you get this idea off the ground.