Since the last meetup in November was such a success, I think we should do it again.
It was a small but fun group of readers and listeners late last year, and the location was great. People should have gotten new games for Christmas, lots of new war stories and hopefully some new guests can come.
So here is the plan.
Saturday, March 31st, 2 PM
Again, at Tequila Bookworm, 512 Queen Street West, Toronto (I have a gift certificate and they had great beer.)
If there is enough interest by the end of the week, I’ll book the spot.
I’m in again. Unfortunately, I think the only game I’ve gotten recently is Twilight Struggle, which is great but not well suited to this sort of gathering. I’ll bring Summoner Wars again, though (and if people really want Dominion or 7 Wonders again I can supply those too). But I want to make more of an effort to try other people’s games more this time.
I’m in as well. Had a great time though a gaming luminary suspected I was flirting with his girlfriend. Hey! I’m a married man!
Anyway, I can bring Last Night on Earth again (not everyone got a chance to try it) Arkham Horror or that Battleships starship game. After all the talk on FOS about risk Legacy I’d be up for buying a copy for this meet up. We could play a game every time we get together and then give the board to Troy to frame.
It’s not that often that I wished I lived in Canada and not the UK…this is one of those times though :(
Don’t worry Ron, you’re off the hook. ;)
I can make it this time as well – going to try taking the train from Windsor. I’ll have Dominion and Bang with me again. Unfortunately, nothing new over here, though I might pick something up for the occasion.
Ben, definitely bring 7 Wonders – it’s been way too long since I’ve played that game (and I didn’t get a chance to at the last meetup!). I also like Ron’s idea of picking up Risk Legacy. It could become the official game of the Toronto Flash of Steel meetup group. :)
– Jon
I’m in.
I would be up for playing Risk Legacy as well, and would be happy to pay a portion of the price to participate (seems the best way to do it).
Jon, I used to live in Windsor and took the Via train to Toronto many, many times. It’s a pleasant way to travel.
Ok, if we get a couple more chimes for Risk then I will pick up a virgin copy for us and keep it at my place. If people kick me a beer to cover costs I might not walk away from this alive though.
Hmm…maybe I can make a meta-game out of this. A little steam, a few printable stickers…..
“Australia must buy all other players a beer for unfair tactical advantage. Micro or import only. No Fosters.”
James Maliszewski and myself are available again. He’ll probably bring Pandemic.
Also, Risk Legacy is awesome fun. I have a copy that I play with James and his family.
I think Risk Legacy is a great idea and I’d be happy to chip in for a copy.
Ok, I’ll pick one up for the meet. Maybe Hasbro will sponser our drinking……I can dream.
I’m actually unable to make it on Mar 31, sorry guys. I will be up north that weekend.
Sorry to hear that Wes.
I’m in! I just started listening to the podcasts starting with the Brian Reynolds one. I soon heard you are in Toronto and was about to email you about it, but I just heard about this event!
General Points of Interest // Mar 19, 2012 at 7:16 pm
[…] The board game meetup is on for March 31st at the location mentioned in the post from a couple of weeks ago. 2 to 6 PM. I will do a larger post/update later in the […]
Three Moves Ahead Episode 160 – No Standing on the European Escalator to War // Mar 21, 2012 at 5:06 pm
[…] March Meetup Plans […]
Three Moves Ahead Episode 161 – Safety in Numbers // Mar 23, 2012 at 1:50 pm
[…] Toronto Meetup Information Email questions about the Idle Thumbs partnership to or […]
Hey folks, I just picked up our Risk Legacy. This has got to be the oddest boardgame I have every seen. Can’t wait to try it out. If the rilue sheet is not available online Ill copy a few to speed setup. Has anyone played this yet?
Not that any Risk game could be that complicated.
I have a copy; we’ve played six games on it so far.
The first few games are very straight forward and quick. Once you start placing stickers and opening the packages it starts to get more interesting.
Ah anticipation.
Three Moves Ahead Episode 162 – Guess Who’s Coming to Podcast? // Mar 31, 2012 at 1:02 pm
[…] Toronto Meetup Information Email questions about the Idle Thumbs partnership to or […]