OK. Let’s do this.
I want to meet people for board gaming – fans and readers and friends. I have settled on November 19th because it gives me about a month to think about some important things like location, choice of games and arrangements for anyone who wants to come but needs to travel. I know we have a lot of board game players who listen to the show, or people who want to play board games and need people to play with. This is a good way to meet new friends, start a gaming circle and maybe learn a few new tricks.
First things first: My apartment is much too small to host more than a half dozen people, and ideally we’d have a few different games going at once. I’d buy the pizza, you’d bring your own drinks, and all would be well. I have no space for that. Any suggestions for a location that would be comfortable for about 10 people would be welcome. (If we get fewer, then we adjust.)
Sign up in the comments if you are interested in participating or attending. Anyone is welcome – you don’t have to be from Toronto. But that is where it will be.
I showed up last time to watch Troy inhale a steak. How could I miss a second outing and still respect myself. We could try to book some space at the Granite Brewery. It’s close to the subway and they have a lot of space in the back.The food is so so but the ale is amazing. And you can get a black and tan off the taps.
I’ll be there, assuming the Canadian (pre) winter doesn’t stop me. :)
Sounds good to me. I’ll be there.
Myself and two others are interested in joining you.
I will be there as well. Last one was plenty of fun.
Also on the 19th is the TABSCON meetup. Not sure if you are familiar with this, Troy. I haven’t been for about a year or so. When I have gone to it there have been about 100 people or so.
I would also be happy with the Granite, which would likely have the space to put us, good lighting to play by, and excellent beer (they brew their own).
I didn’t know it was TABSCON, no. How coincidental.
I’m checking with a place on Queen St that was recommended to me (it has an upper room) and will call the Granite tomorrow.