1. My previews of what I saw at the Paradox Con are going up at Gameshark. Short previews, mostly because there’s only so much you can say about an unfinished game that is not just a feature list, which you can find anywhere. I really hate writing previews, especially if there’s no hands on or there’s just concept art. So you can read about Lead & Gold, Magicka and Victoria 2 now. More to come.
2. My colleagues over at GameShark also have a new podcast, the obviously titled Jumping the Shark. I’m listening now, and I will probably listen again. Much more general game stuff than we do at Three Moves Ahead, obviously.
3. PAX East registration is complete and travel has been arranged. If you’re going to be there, send me a note. Maybe we can have drinks.
4. Dawn of the Discovery on the DS is a much simpler game, and in many ways quite different from the PC version. But I still highly recommend it, especially to beginning strategy gamers. It’s a much simpler economic model with a lot less hauling of freight from one island to the next. So its pace is quite unique, even though it is clearly an Anno game.
5. My contribution to the 2002 part of the decade series will be up tomorrow. I just need to work out some issues I’m having with it.
I thought 1701 on the DS was definitely a good adaptation/streamlining and playing through the storyline was worth it. But the open games somehow didn’t quite work. I’d either get totally (pardon me) cockblocked on an important early resource by the AIs or we would all settle happily onto our islands with everything we needed and… what? Peacefully develop until we got tired? I plan on getting DoD(DS) eventually to see if this is improved, but it’s a little too soon considering that I don’t think the two games are terribly different.
Looking forward to Venice, though! DoD was my favorite game of last year (couldn’t pick something else after I played 85+ hours of it).
Troy, your link to Lead & Gold is actually to Magicka.
Thanks for the writeups. I’m inhaling any piece of info I can find on Magicka. Looks like fun.