Much like the cleansing of your soul in a late night confession, cleaning your office often turns up things that you’d rather not discover.
Like a paper CD sleeve with a game serial number on it, but no clue as to which game it is for.
Or finding out that I’ve misplaced Disc 1 of Warhammer: Mark of Chaos.
Or that I need twice as many shelves when I am neat as I do when I am cluttered.
Or that the gray rug used to be white.
Hmm, I think it’s worse when I find the game CD but can’t find that paper CD sleeve with it’s serial number.
I’ve taken to stapling those CD slips inside the manual. (Which still leaves me skrewt when there’s No Manual…. :-/ )
I just use a sharpie and write the CD key right on the CD.
I’ve done that – put the CD key on the CD – only to find later that it’s WRONG! Yet originally I carefully wrote it and doublechecked it when I’d finished.
Or my handwritten “S” could be a “5” or my “I” could be a “1” – it happens.
O cruel Fate! Why do you mock me?