I have lots of stuff still to write and upload about E3, but I’m exhausted. Nothing tires you out like airports and airplanes.
A few little tidbits:
– Empire: Total War will probably consume me when it comes out. We only got to see the sea battles in action, but from the rest of the description, this engine will make a lot of things possible that weren’t before.
– Space Siege is a surprise. It looks like a relatively light sci-fi RPG, and could be a lot of fun.
– Dragon Age is Baldur’s Gate 2008. I’m not yet sure if this is a good thing.
– Storm Rise is a console RTS with a different approach than Halo Wars, which demonstrates just how much room there is to be creative with console controllers once you realize that you need to break out of the mouse/hotkey module that rules PC RTS.
– Eidos says that the word “skimpy” is no longer used by Tomb Raider developers. The cut of Lara’s wetsuit says otherwise.
– Neither Gamecock nor Activision Blizzard are ESA members, so they weren’t at E3. But they were near E3. So come on guys, pick a side.
Dragon’s Age is not Baldur’s Gate. There is no multiplayer.
Well, true Baldur’s Gate clones haven’t been dropping from the sky ever since the last BG came out. :)
Just having a properly finished and playable partybased RPG with an isometric view (the fantasy setting doesn’t really matter, it’s more about the game mechanics) would be some kind of revelation between all the first person/third person (console) RPG’s that are flooding the market. DA looks promising in that regard, although it’s gonna be tough for Bioware to beat BGII.
Holy yeow you liked that Space Siege demo?
Troy…what did E3 do to you!!!
You know, I kind of did, Bill. It looked like a really low key action RPG. I mean, it’s not a AAA game or anything, but I appreciated what I saw.
I just wish that they showed a little more of it. I didn’t get a lot of sense of what was going on beyond killing robots, so I was a little confused as to the why. But I like the trade off between power and humanity and the option to sacrifice your robot partner for a tactical edge here and there.
It could suck. But considering how little I think of the *Siege titles in general, I was not as annoyed as I thought I would be.
Loyd, the lack of MP is an issue for me more because of how central it was to my family’s enjoyment of Neverwinter Nights. Was there a lot of LAN play for BG2?
They are including a world builder (on which they said nothing) which is great, and I hope it means that Stefan Gagne will come back to RPG modding since his NWN adventures were all awesome.
But NWN has a thriving community because the mod building was linked to an online adventuring world. With none of that here, I wonder if Dragon Age isn’t missing a big option here.