The worst part about being away from the Internet for a week is that really cool things happen and no one bothers to tell me. Thanks 2k. I thought we were cool.
People who bother to listen to me know that I am getting a little tired of all the great talent at Firaxis pillaging its past in the search for new games to make. Civilization, Pirates, Railroads, now Colonization… Come on guys. Surprise me.
Still, I’m not all curmudgeon. A Colonization based on the Civ IV engine is great news. I don’t see Colonization as one of the great Meier via Reynolds Microprose titles. It’s a good game with some neat concepts that don’t completely gel for me for a number of reasons. But I still go back to it every now and then, probably because it tries things that other strategy games didn’t and still don’t.
More news as it becomes available.
Forget remakes- just create a proper sequel to Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, dammit!
Pirates! was great. Railroads, less so. Colonization concerns me a bit, since the original game had some serious shortcomings, but those are potentially fixable using the Civ IV engine (or tinkering with the XML if it comes to that). I think that Firaxis is both inspired and restricted by remaking old games, and like Troy, I think it’s a shame that we don’t see more “new” designs emerging.