It looks like this game is about to get interesting. Two of the AI states have become vassals to human players, one of which was seeking protection from another human. So we have two human players technically at war.
The other vassal sought my protection after losing a brief war. So the power of Wei has grown.
It’s the Great People who are keeping me on the go. A few turns ago I got two at once, and was able to discover two lower technologies, freeing up my research energies. My economy is in the tank (always hovering below where it should be) but a few courthouses are going online next turn.
I have to say, these opponents are great because the turns are prompt. There has probably only been a couple of days that have passed without a turn, and a couple of times we’ve been able to squeeze in two or three.
Yes, things are definitely getting interesting. I sort of expected that this would happen; PBEM games inevitably result in direct military conflict. The trick is deciding when to get involved. I’ll have to remember to jot down some notes for an AAR. I’m pleased to say that my strategy seems to be working so far, but I’ve suddenly realized that I need to protect myself against another contingency, which I’ll happily discuss with you after the game is over.