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Entries from December 31st, 2004

Not all glamor and groupies

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Not all glamor and groupies · Me

So I have three games left to review (two for DIYGames and one for Computer Games Magazine) and I am kind of putting off finishing them. Not for any legit reason. I’ve given one of them a really serious play through, so I’m ready to finish the review soon. One I’ve begun playing, but not […]



Help a guy out

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Help a guy out · Uncategorized

So a friend is trying to design a computer simulation based on the Community Land Use project of the 1960s. He has a forum devoted to this project, which he sees as a more realistic and politically driven SimCity type thing, at his cooly named website. The forum has a section where input into the […]



Age of Empires III: Age of Discovery

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Age of Empires III: Age of Discovery · Uncategorized

The forums at Heaven Games are reporting that the new Ensemble Studios game will be on the Age of Discovery, based on the story in this month’s PC Gamer. So the press breaks the exclusive story before Ensemble can announce it on its website. The game will go from 1500 to 1850 and tell the […]



War! Age of Imperialism – getting your ass kicked on the cheap

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on War! Age of Imperialism – getting your ass kicked on the cheap · Uncategorized

I am now playing two simultaneous online sessions of War! Age of Imperialism, both hosted by a fellow game reviewer. In one of them, I am so far behind and stuck in southern Africa that I will likely end up waiting out the game. The other has just started, but I have a bad feeling. […]



Risk versus Diplomacy Axis

December 31st, 2004 · Comments Off on Risk versus Diplomacy Axis · Uncategorized

This is a term that I will be using from time to time – I just used it in a post without explaining what it meant, though. Risk and Diplomacy are both world conquest board games, but each has a different approach. Risk is all about the dice rolls. There is not a lot that […]



Imperialism 2

December 30th, 2004 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

A thread on the Quarter To Three forum reminded me of Frog City’s classic Imperialism series, so, in a fit of nostalgia, I installed Imperialism 2. And promptly realized how hard this game was. People talk about learning curves today and they usually mean that a game has a lot of menus and stuff that […]

