This week, Troy, Julian and Rob are joined by PR pros Joe Ziemer (Triple Point PR, Paradox shill) and Stephanie Schopp (Tinsley PR, Stardock water carrier) to talk about marketing strategy games in this gaming and business environment. Is strategy gaming really dead? How do you find new audiences and keep the old ones? How do PR people deal with media and developers?
damn that’s a lot of mic noise/crap this time
I enjoyed the podcast. For what it’s worth, I thought the PR campaign for Sins of a Solar Empire was great, not sloppy at all, and Blair’s uncensored enthusiasm definitely contributed to the marketing of the game.
Where was Ken Levine talking about Mount&Blade?
How is this for a trailer to sell a strategy game?
(Conquest of the Americas) I think it is pretty good, except for the spelling of “Neatherlands” @ 1:00. Ugh.