The PC adaptation of the Field of Glory miniature rule set is now available from Slitherine.
. Game play that allows key decisions to decide the results of historical battles.
· Detailed and accurate depiction of ancient warfare (combat mechanics, leaders, morale).
· Single and 2 player head to head modes as well with an internet based multi-player system.
· 18 battles of varying size.
· Play as Achaean League, Carthage, Caledonians, Gaul, Germanic Tribes, Macedonians, Spartacus Slave Revolt, Romans or even Romans vs. Romans at Pharsalus.
· Comprehensive scenario builder is included. There are graphics for 11 different terrain types with western European and arid settings. 141 different battle group types with the system with almost limitless ability to modify their individual behaviour in the game.
I’m not sure what “battle group types” means, but 141 is a big number. And do the Macedonians include the Successor kingdoms?
I think I may look into this. It seems to be a good deal for those that cannot get miniature gaming groups together
Hmm, looks interesting. Nice touch making a netbook-friendly wargame too, which may well sway me towards a purchase.
Bit of a shame about the tremendously spartan look of the thing, but then I suppose we’re used to that kind of thing in wargames by now. Still, a little more care on the presentation wouldn’t have hurt.
I bought this today based on seeing your post here (they owe you a commission!) It’s a lot of fun. The user interface is great. Sure, the graphics are archaic, but I prefer simple graphics to sexy graphics that aren’t tight, and it’s really expensive to do sexy graphics well. This works nicely. I don’t like miniature games but it plays like a Command & Colors: Ancients on steroids. I’m flying thru scenarios against the computer in 10, 15 minutes. Good times.
Screw Field of Glory, what about For the Glory?!?
For the Glory is still being played. I’m frankly having a hard time understanding how it’s superior to EU2 with free mods attached – different map modes and expanded event limits aside.
Expect a rule report on it soon.
For the Glory changes are very subtle to the casual observer: rebalanced starting conditions, country-specific sprites, the alerts from EU3, increased mod support, better AI. Still, it’s really only for the EU2 mod community.