This is Bruce’s big idea, and I couldn’t help but get swept up in his mania. Regular listeners/readers probably know that it’s not common for Dr. Geryk to get energized in favor of anything post-Reagan, so his recent call for the two of us to conscript friends/colleagues and the like for a game of the interminable Republic of Rome couldn’t help but energize everyone around him.
Of course, at the time I was the only one around him.
If anyone is curious about RoR, please check out Chris Farrell’s brilliant break down of why the game works. If you can’t win an Ebay auction for the Avalon Hill version, Valley Games has reprinted it. Not sure when it will start shipping.
We’re still organizing a line up for this, but I’m energized by the possibilities here. Our first priority for players will be peers, friends and colleagues we know we can rely on both from past gaming experience and risk of public embarrassment.
The volunteers I have heard from either in personal emails or blog comments are not being forgotten, of course. Every volunteer is appreciated and being added to a list. Even if you don’t make this game session, a successful RoR game means we’ll be doing more of these. And I need more fan service, right?
An Emporer’s thumb’s up for this idea! Does anyone know if there is any significant difference (other than cosmetic) between the Avalon Hill version and the new one, like rules and so forth?
I’m a huge fan of RoR. I’m always up for a game. :)
@Primemover: The Valley Games link Troy included there states that the new version will have “re-written rules to address all previous errata.” There is currently a rules version available online which attempts to make sense of the voluminous errata that has been generated over the years. This has been compiled and maintained by John Rodriguez, who is the same person listed in the Valley Games link has having re-written the rules. So I assume that the current “Living Rules” Troy linked in the podcast post will be close to the ones in the Valley Game version.
@Bruce: Thanks Bruce. I downloaded the PDF for the RoR rules, kudos to John Rodriguez for what looks to have been an involved process. I have never played the game before, but it looks like something I would like. If the both versions are the same, I’d rather wait for the new one than try to search through e-bay and find one that is overpriced and not in the best of condition. The price for both the old version and the new one are starting at around $60 based on what I have found so far.
As I mentioned in the last RoR, you dont know me but if you need another keep me posted. I own the first edition of the game which I assume is OK if I download the new rules.
If not maybe I will try to start a TMA B game for those of us who didnt make the cut :). The dominions games that started that way appear to have outlasted the original.
I’d be interested in a game, too, whether it’s the official Flash of Steel one or someone else’s.