I like Majesty 2, but I can’t really recommend it unequivocally to any audience. There is a difference between frustration because you are still mastering a system and frustration because your puny units keep dying stupid deaths. This game is the latter, and that – with the repetitiveness – is what eventually took the shine off the apple for me.
Majesty 2 Review
September 15th, 2009 by Troy Goodfellow · 8 Comments · Crispy Gamer, Review
Your writing is, as always, good! The one thing quibble I had was that you took for granted a familiarity with Majesty 1. I’m guessing contextually that it was an RTS, but I’m not 100% sure on that…
I don’t know if you’re taking the piss or not, but the first sentence of the review says that Majesty 1 was an RTS.
Did I just miss it or was there no mention of the multi player in the review. The only reference I could find was the “This is not a game designed for replayability, multiplayer aside”
Aside from that, interesting review, kind of makes me want to check out the original one.
My quip with Majesty (TOG), was that, while being an RTS, the gameplay was actually that of a watered-down City Builder. If it was, in fact a full-blown City Builder, I would’ve liked it much more than what I eventually felt about it, and that it was being an RTS without the S, a city builder without the city, and an excellent idea in a so-so game. The only thing I really need to know is whether Majesty II improves on those elements, or whether it’s an OK Majesty, which in that case, I’d stick to the original (which I still play, occasionally, although not whole-heartedly).
Having read the review, I have to say: wow, Troy. You addressed each and every point I needed addressed for me to make the judgment whether to get this one or not. It is complete, concise, and clear. Great job!
Where is Three Moves Ahead 30?
I hadn’t played the original game, but took a chance on preordering Majesty 2 on Steam, which gave the original and its expansion out for free as a bonus.
Majesty felt like an old game for me. Really old, like pre-Starcraft, instead of 2000. Interesting for a little while, but aside from the difficulty, the missions felt like you were just doing the same stuff every time. I pretty much lost interest in continuing before I finished the main game or got to the expansion.
Now that I’ve played Majesty, I’m kinda disappointed to read that a lot of what I didn’t care for about it wasn’t really fixed or improved upon in Majesty 2. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
I can’t believe I missed the first sentence :(