Or as we said in Canada, “Splitters!”
Celebrate with Sid Meier’s Colonization, Liberty! and Birth of America.
Or maybe just some hot dogs and fireworks.
Or as we said in Canada, “Splitters!”
Celebrate with Sid Meier’s Colonization, Liberty! and Birth of America.
Or maybe just some hot dogs and fireworks.
Rather spookily, a copy of Birth of America 2 arrived in the mail for me today…
We in the United Kingdom formerly known as the “Kingdom of Great Britain” are not quite sure what to celebrate about Independance Day. Wasn’t it where mankind finally managed to save the world by uploading a virus to an alien mothership using an Apple mac? ;)
Seriously though, I’ll happily share a pint of tepid frothy beer and a stottie cake smothered in pease pudding with you for your American Independance day. Have a good one, folks!
Did my gaming celebration via E:TW…took Quebec from the Redcoats while watching the Boston Pops Fireworks. That is an Independence Day!
I went the BoA2:WiA route. It’s really, really crash prone; I had one non-fatal and two fatal crashes during my French and Indian War campaign. Hopefully AGEOD is working on my crash reports… unfortunately they sunk my game after about 40 turns.
The good news is that it’s really easy to win as the French. You get one “recruiter/patriot” general (which has a 25% chance to raise multiple provincial militia units), and one that will train militia into regulars. Dump the recruiter in Quebec City or Nouvelle Orleans and have Chevalier de Levis train them into full regulars. Easy win as long as you don’t attempt to engage large British forces. I swept up the coast from NO all the way to Charleston before the game took a dump on me.