While I still wait on some replies regarding Rise of Nations, I have to get my E3 schedule straightened out. So far it looks like I have a billion things to see and no time for much of anything like relaxing or eating.
I’ll be there representing Crispy Gamer, so you can follow whatever I write there, mostly on their snazzy group blog. I want to get some previews written up, of course, but the bosses think the blogging will be more relevant and quickly updated. Still, in the evenings I’ll do what I can.
So if you want to follow what I write, you should go there first. If I can, I’ll update here when I update there but it’s just as likely that the posts here will be sporadic.
The highlights of my schedule?
1) An appointment to sit and see Supreme Commander 2 in action. Even though I’m not a huge fan of the original game, Gas Powered Games puts on a nice show and there’s always something interesting.
2) Getting hands on time with Paradox’s Hearts of Iron 3 and East India Company. Johan Andersson and Kim Soares will also join me and Tom for an on-site recording of Three Moves Ahead.
3) EA. Last year they had so much interesting stuff on the floor. Not all of it worked out that well (Red Alert 3 and Lord of the Rings: Conquest for example). But they have energy.
4) Meeting my fellow Crispy crew. I’ve only met a handful of my Crispy Gamer colleagues, and it’s always nice to establish face-to-face relations. As virtual as this business is, the real life meeting is still very important, I think.
5) Seeing old acquaintances and friends. Reconnecting is good.
So, if you plan on being at E3 and want to meet up, drop me a line. My schedule is packed, but I do hope to have a little fun.
Is there any chance of the general public to get a piece of actual gameplay footage?
Highly anticipating your report on Supcom 2 :)
Same here idd, if possible some concrete information on the economy changes would be awesome as the whole SupCom community is a bit concerned about that.
See what’s up with Disciples III…
Nice move getting Johan Andersso to talk about HoI 3… get something exclusive about the game out of him.