I was mostly joking when I mentioned reviewing this game to Crispy Gamer’s managing editor. It is really a nothing game that no one would have cared about if its teaser videos hadn’t gone viral. It’s really a textbook case of good marketing, though it doesn’t change the fact the game is so terrible.
Some people think I am giving Mezmer Games too much credit by wondering if Stalin vs Martians is meant to be satire, but I do think there is something going on there at a level below the lasso-and-point gameplay. It’s not enough to recommend it, even at fifteen dollars. A better satire would be shorter and clearer about its target, I think.
Now I need to review a better game if only to restore my credibility.
My most recent Print Screen column is also up, by the way. I read the five Halo novels and it wasn’t all pleasant. But I think I do get why people buy them.
Well that’s just sad. I pre-ordered it because of the insane videos, and I’ll probably play it at some point, but I was hoping for it to be at least marginally entertaining. It sounds like it’s just a train wreck.
you fool! The videos, they do nothing! Haven’t you learned from any other crap games? Do you buy on a whim using only the back of the box?
SvM is a quirky arcade game pitched wrongly at the RTS people. It tries to employ RTS mechanics, but does it very badly. So rather than a light hearted and witty fluff game it comes off as a disappointingly poor and shallow RTS with the Internet based “pomp and circumstance” of its hype and marketing being the most enjoyable thing about the game. PvZ had the same sort of uplifting and quirky marketing campaign, but it does deliver a truly enjoyable and polished game. SvM does not.