So on Tom’s recommendation in the last podcast, I picked up Rune Factory 2. He was not kidding about the slow start. You begin with a hoe, a watering can and barely enough money for seeds once you sell the herbs that are cluttering up your farmland. Swords are expensive, too. He also warned about how JRPG the dialog was, and, yeah, it’s insufferably cute. I want to stab my hero.
He could have at least warned me about the opening theme song for the DS version.
Sweet jesus…
Doesn’t that make you want to play?
To play with the idea of killing myself, or everyone else in the universe.
Still, the Harvest Moon games were always good fun.
it was a pretty good intro for a harvest moon clone.
Good grief! Why does everyone always look like he or she is eight years old? And even if I could get past the anime aesthetic, I think the anime storytelling would get to me.