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A Comment on Comments

July 11th, 2008 by Troy Goodfellow · 8 Comments · Blogs

For some reason, a lot of not-spam comments are getting caught in my spam filter. A real pain, especially when regular commenters get caught and I have to check my spam list to see what gets stuck.

If you register on the site (there’s a form on the right sidebar), you shouldn’t have any trouble getting comments approved. But that’s a nuisance for some people, so I won’t force you to do it.

But if you make a comment and it doesn’t pop up automatically, let me know with an email – I don’t moderate comments before they get posted. If you let me know, I can train Askimet to recognize your IP and user name as appropriate.

Now there is a blacklist of terms that get the comment nuked automatically, but I don’t think anyone here would ever use words like that.

EDIT: I think I found the problem, and it was mostly an error on my part that led to Gmail addresses getting targeted as spam. There shouldn’t be any more problems.


8 Comments so far ↓

  • John

    I suppose it was my comment that prompted this post, huh? :)

    Well, I took the hint and registered. Thanks for the heads up, Troy.

  • Thomas Kiley

    I did wonder why mine didn’t appear, I assume now this one won’t appear either!

  • Natus

    Let’s hope registering helps. ‘Twould be a shame if Flash of Steel lost my flash of wit.

  • Scott

    Test post!

    I made a comment a few weeks ago… I thought it got removed, mebbe this explains why!

  • Alan Au

    Yeah, I’m now registered, so hopefully that will fix my posting problems. I’m glad that there’s now spam filtering though, since that means Troy can take the occasional vacation without the site being overrun by spambots.

  • Troy

    I’ve always had the spam filter. Just every now and then the spammers mix things up a bit and bust through. I need to train the filter to recognize new formats and keywords.

    The entire mail.ru domain is banned, for example.

  • Scott R. Krol

    Now there is a blacklist of terms that get the comment nuked automatically

    Reminds me of the Futurama ep where Bender has a bomb in him which will be set off when he says a certain word. He of course then starts spouting random words in an attempt to set it off.

    So let’s see which words are on the blacklist…





    Derek Smart

    …am I getting close at least?

  • Krupo

    I’m white-listed, right?

    Until I try and use some banned words… no, I think Scott has done enough damage. And yes, it DOES remind me of the Bender episode.




