You can’t keep a good writer down, so Steve Bauman has started blogging, opening with a reflection on what 300 and Children of Men can teach game designers about narrative. Read his wisdom at Manic Pop Thrills.
No, I don’t know what that means either.
Bauman rising, indeed. And indeed, a force to be reckoned with…
Thanks for the link to his blog, Troy… wouldn’t have found it otherwise.
I’m starting a grid of blogs (and with the exception of Ragnar Tornquist’s, I haven’t ever read a blog – ever – before this) in the wake of CGM’s demise. These two are the first on my list.
Do you by chance know where I could find blogs of the other writers?
“Do you by chance know where I could find blogs of the other writers?”
Not many of the other writers keep regular blogs, but here’s a partial list.
Dave Long and Bruce Geryk have blogs at 1up. You can find them in a search of the site profiles. (Bruce is on my blogroll even though he never updates.)
Erica van Ostrand (who was in the final issue) is here:
Academic Henry Jenkins keeps a blog here:
Tom Chick maintains a site at which occasionally has game stuff on the front page. Not really a blog, and not a complete list of his portfolio either.
Brett Todd, Lara Crigger, Cindy Yans, Justin Fletcher and Kelly Wand are blogless, to my knowledge. But the first three continue to have bylines in other publications.