Wahoo Studios thinks it has the formula for the elusive real time strategy persistent world. (Read Joh Callaham’s interview with Jason Faller on Firing Squad.) No word about the game, dubbed Saga, on the company site, though.
The interview covers the usual basic bullet point stuff – factions, units, what “persistent” means…what’s not clear is what happens if all your base belongs to someone else. RTS skirmish games end in conquest, this likely won’t if they want to keep players around. RTS combat is also heavily skill dependent in a way that RPGs tend not to be. Can you grind your way to success in a real time strategy game?
Time to send an email to Wahoo, whose Outpost Kaloki is one of the more delightful light sims in recent years. Considering Wahoo’s resumé, this sounds pretty ambitious.
I demand an immediate review of “Outpost Kaloki.”
I reviewed it for the late DIYGames a couple of years ago. It’s a business sim with a cartoon art style. It’s not very difficult, so it makes a nice intro to the genre for younger gamers. Communications depots look like phones, there are love huts, lemonade stands…what’s not to love? The missions are strung together with a plot that I think revels in how little it has to do with the game itself.
I like a game with personality, and Outpost Kaloki has tons of it.
Johnny Wilson wrote an Outpost Kaloki review not that long ago.
“It is there. It calls to you.”
To be honest, I didn’t realize these were the same folks (on Saga & Kaloki) until you mentioned it. Very strange leap, especially for a “budget” developer.
Unless there is more than one Wahoo Games in Utah, they are the same people.