British strategy game developer Slitherine is now working on a ruleset for tabletop wargaming. The Art of War will cover the same ground as the popular De Bellis Antiquitatis, a simple miniature game dealing with armies from the birth of civilization to the birth of gunpowder.
The early description of Art of War says that it will be cohesion based, determining victory and defeat based on whose army falls apart first. This is a tried and true wargaming mechanic that GMT used to great – if baffling – effect in its Great Battles games.
Iain McNeil, lead designer at Slitherine, is a world champion DBA/DBM player and therefore intimate with that ruleset.
Cool I’m glad to see a company expanding their fan base by adding options for strategy gamers, as well as exposing existing PC gamers to new ways to play a game they already love.
P.S. Congrats on the new website, its fantastic!!
For lack of anybody to play with, I would really like to see Slitherine move this miniature ruleset to a PC game at some point. DBAOnline is still going strong, but is clearly a stopgap solution created by people who don’t make computer games.
Glad you like the new digs. Feel to suggest improvements.