I finally get a week to spend on some important chores, including finishing up some reviews for some important people plus the usual house stuff. (I’ll also be going to my first Nats game of the season on Wednesday night.)
The shame of the week, though, is that there is no huge new release for me to sink my teeth into. Rise of Legends is still a month off, so my gaming time will be consumed by some old stand-bys – Civ IV, GalCiv2, Battle for Middle Earth II. I’ve played all of these a lot, so something new would be appreciated.
I will hopefully find the time to give Birth of America a serious play through, including a PBEM game with my longtime wargaming rival. So I should have a few comments about it together by the end of the week. My impressions are still very positive at this point.
Let’s go Nats! Boss is leaving shortly for the home opener and going to Thursday. Excited to see the team this year, espcially Zimmerman. You go to O’s games?
Thanks for the MEII stuff. Enjoying it right now. Is there a general tips/strategy besides some of the Qt3 stuff?
I try to get up to Camden once or twice a year. I have friends with tickets. Plus, it is a much nicer ballpark than the Fortress of Doom and Disrepair that the Nats play in.
Re BfME2, I am really the wrong guy to ask about strategy, especially in online play. I will say that the key to success in the SP game is constant and steady expansion. Get a hero out early and nurse it to higher levels.
And use whatever stacking bonuses you can with your Palantir/God powers. There is no messing around with minor advantages.