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Entries Tagged as 'Gamers'

The Long Game

June 13th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gamers

You’ve probably all seen the story of the ten year Civilization II game over on Reddit. In short, a gentleman named Lycerius (not his real name) was playing a game of Civ 2 for a long time and the world had broken down completely. Three superpowers that couldn’t touch each other (all with same tech […]



Is It Possible to Dislike Civilization IV?

May 22nd, 2009 · 20 Comments · Gamers

On this week’s Rock, Paper, Shotgun podcast, a reader writes in with the question “I don’t like Civilization IV. What’s wrong with me?” (26:12 point.) And, as is typical of my British colleagues, they never quite get around to answering that question. John Walker respects the greatness of the design, but never got into the […]



The Internet is Crazy

December 11th, 2008 · 4 Comments · Gamers

No one can apologize like Tom Chick. Swarmed by moronic comments after posting his lists of disappointing, overrated and top games for 2008, he feels the need to politely explain himself. In short, overrated is not the same as bad. He liked GTA IV, for example, but thought it was overrated. I doubt anyone could […]



I Hate Gamers: Part XX

June 2nd, 2008 · 2 Comments · Blogs, Gamers

MTV’s Steven Totilo has been posting a series of short bits about how game reviewers do their job. So it’s only natural that he would jump into the ongoing drama about Konami’s list of things that they did not want reviewers to talk about. EGM apparently decided not to give the game a score at […]



A Matter of Literacy?

May 6th, 2008 · 13 Comments · Gamers, Industry, Me

This will probably be my only post about Grand Theft Auto IV, a game which has been dubbed not only “great”, but “important” by a number of very savvy critics. Seth Schiesel’s review in the New York Times epitomizes the form, being (as usual) well written enough to persuade my wife that GTA4 is something […]



RTS Pro-Tips

April 13th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Gamers, RTS

Regular reader and commenter Natus has pointed me to RTS Professional, a site dedicated to teaching people how to improve their RTS game. The video player isn’t very clear, but the voice over narration helps a little. It’s a good idea to have this sort of thing in one place. They have a “fundamentals” audio […]

