Rob and returning guest Jenn Cutter discuss what they saw at the Paradox convention in New York. The Escapist’s Greg Tito helps out with some good questions and pro-tips on how to make a game presentation awkward for journalists. Troy Goodfellow just can’t quit you, and refuses to leave until you understand how great Crusader Kings 2 looks.
Games discussed: Naval War, Magicka, Pride of Nations, Salem, Pirates of Black Cove, Gettysburg Armored Warfare, Crusader Kings 2
Production: Michael Hermes
Greg Tito’s previews from the Paradox Convention:
Jenn Cutter’s first two previews from the Paradox event:
Rob’s thoughts for Gamers With Jobs.
Tweets that mention Three Moves Ahead Episode 101 – A Most Ingenious Paradox -- // Jan 27, 2011 at 1:38 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Troy Goodfellow and Robert Zacny, said: [NB] RT @TroyGoodfellow: Three Moves Ahead Episode 101 – A Most Ingenious Paradox […]
Go-go, Rob Zacny!
A show title taken from Gilbert & Sullivan? Rob, I love the direction you’re taking TMA, and I say that without even listening to the podcast yet!
Now that’s original: Gettysburg Armoured Warfare, a steampunk Civil War game « Matchsticks for my Eyes // Jan 31, 2011 at 5:24 am
[…] here; this blog post at Malaysian Gamer allows you to see both preview videos on a single page; and Ep 101 of the Flash of Steel podcast discusses it at […]
Good first podcast for Rob as host, good to hear Troy still chime in reassuringly.
I’d like to chime in regarding the Gettysburg: Armoured Warfare, there has been a similar game themed around Civil War (and the First World War) where time travel and future weapons take place alongside historical battles. The game is Darkest of Days. I loved the ability to take part in first person in the historical battles and laying into the enemy with semi auto guns and lasers was unique and exhiliarating – but ultimately fell flat as the novelty wore off. Admittedly, the game is pure FPS and has no RTS or strategy component. But the theme of future weapons meets Civil War has been attempted.
Also I think there was mention of the lack of Steampunk games, I’d point the finger squarely at Iron Grip Warlord. Another FPS/RTS co-op Tower defense hybrid purely centered around Steampunk sensibilities. A game thats been very overlooked and sounds very similar to the concept of Gettysburg: Armoured Warfare. Isotx the developers have a recently beta’d a web based economic strategy game based on the Iron Grip Steampunk lore its called Iron Grip Lords of War.
I forgot to ask, Troy when (and where) is your guide to Europa Universalis III going to be available?
What was the game talked about at 10:32 forward? Lof? Or what?
Are we still supposed to send suggestions about topics to Troy?
Anyways, I have a suggestion:
I think it would be a very interesting topic if you guys talked about “gateway” games into the strategy genre.
As a “noob” turnbased gamer, I am finding it VERY difficult in learning/playing games such as “Hearts of Iron”, “Making History”, “Europa Universalis” and other so called map/risk style games.
I really want to get a grasp of this style of game, but am finding it VERY hard.
So maybe you guys can talk about games for new players? And perhaps remissness about what game “did it” for you, and got you hooked on strategy.
Anders: Episodes 29 and 75 both cover what you’re talking about. 29 is on getting into the strategy genre, and 75 focuses more on what games would be taught in a class on the strategy genre. Both have plenty of gateway games (Tom recommends Advance Wars, Julian and Rob foolishly suggest Chess). I think 29 is probably better for your purposes.
Anders & Quinten: Greed Corp.
Ridiculously cheap even when it’s not on sale. $10 on Steam –
Greed Corp is hardly a “risk/map” style game that I am trying to learn. Look at the games I mentioned.
Well, after tried countless demos of “risk/map” games I came across Revolution Under Siege. Which was the ONLY one with a decent tutorial that guided yout through moves etc. Unlike all others which just had boring text.
So I am giving that game a go, seems like a good spot to start. Not too complex but still has depth.
If you really like MMO games with crafting and player run economies you should check out Puzzle Pirates. Pretty much everything a player would use for setting sail and fighting has to be created by player labor.
I’ve been playing for 5 years and have done some shopkeeping but I prefer to do more sailing and pillaging.