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The Thing About Vacation

July 28th, 2010 by Troy Goodfellow · 3 Comments · Me, Podcast

The lack of posts and updates and whining should have clued you all in to the fact that I am on vacation – taking a break from all the fun stuff that consumes my days and doing other fun stuff instead.

That means that this week’s podcast will be a little later than usual. Julian and Rob did it without me, so they are like Curly and Larry without Moe to keep them in line. It will be coming soon. They promise.


3 Comments so far ↓

  • Punning Pundit

    It’s like they knew when I wouldn’t have time to listen to it, so postponed it for my benefit. I love those guys :)

  • Gunner

    TMA without Troy?!? My world is rocked. If they don’t start it with “You Are Listening to Three Moves Ahead” it’ll be an outrage. ;)

  • Paul

    Vacation? I don’t believe it. You took off time so you could play through the campaign of Starcraft II and then write a musical based off of it. You can’t fool me!