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Help a guy out

December 31st, 2004 by Troy Goodfellow · No Comments · Uncategorized

So a friend is trying to design a computer simulation based on the Community Land Use project of the 1960s. He has a forum devoted to this project, which he sees as a more realistic and politically driven SimCity type thing, at his cooly named website.

The forum has a section where input into the design document will be welcomed. At this point at least. How far he gets with it will depend on a lot of things, and he is still at the planning stage. But there are lots of people out there who know more about games than we do.

Mind you, he hates Children of the Nile, which I like a lot. In fact, I am beginning to distrust his judgment on games altogether. Still, he knows what he likes and has a good reason for most of the things he does. So keep an eye on what he does, even if it is just to see how long it takes to get something like this done.


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