Freelance writers Andrew Groen and Charlie Hall join Rob for a conversation about King Arthur 2: The Role-Playing Wargame. Everyone digs the setting, but opinions begin to diverge about the quality of the battles, and whether KA2’s elements even hang together in a way that makes sense. Rob and Andrew can barely remember losing a battle, but Charlie creates his own challenges by trying to win cleanly. Is King Arthur 2 actually a good game, and is there hope for Neocore to finally get this formula right?
Three Moves Ahead Episode 155 – The (Very) Simple Joys of King Arthur 2
February 11th, 2012 by Rob Zacny · 5 Comments · Podcast, Three Moves Ahead
Battlefield Britain, the BBC TV series available on YouTube,has a good explanation of the Roman wedge formation in its Boudicca Revolt episode.
Aha! I knew I’d seen that somewhere before. For anyone else who’s interested here’s the relevant clip.
I watched several hours of the prologue of King Arthur 2 being played on youtube. It certainly looks like a fun and well made game, but perhaps it could use more strategic depth.
The dialogue choices reminded me of King of Dragon Pass. If you combined the 2, I think you would have a real winner.
Very disappointing podcast.
Not once did you guys go through what the game has to offer. All there was talk about was combat.
What about all the other stuff?
Was hoping this podcast would help me decide to buy it or not. Instead I have more questions than answers.
Hey there. In episode 155 you mentioned confusion over how a wedge formation was ever effective. A lot of the reason for the confusion is because the concept of the wedge formation has been misinterpreted and taken too literally. There was never a single guy formed at the apex of a triangle. Instead, the reality was that the formation was called the “Pigs Head†and was formed with a minimum tactical unit around the size of a cohort (300). The lead unit would fight in a standard linear formation with the remaining formations forming in echelon to both the left and right. The impetus of the backup units would have both a moral and tactical flexibility that would contribute to the breakthrough. When the lead unit makes the breakthrough the backup formations are there to exploit and flank the lines of the enemy. Here is a diagram showing how it worked. Hope this helps.