Last October was the first ever pledge drive for Flash of Steel/Three Moves Ahead, though let’s face it, most of the donations were for the podcast. We did quite well and were touched by the support shown by fans, friends and the larger game community. I humbly think that 3MA, at its best, is one of the best and most original podcasts on the internet, covering topics and ideas you won’t hear anywhere else.
At it’s worst, it’s just another podcast and you can always turn it off. I do. We have had our share of trainwrecks.
Anyway, the October donation drive is going again and the donation button on the upper right has been updated to funnel cash straight to Rob Zacny, cutting out me as the middle man. End of the month, I return the code to my account.
What is the money for? Well, now that we have a producer doing excellent audio work, it would be nice to throw him a few bucks. Every now and then, we like to pick up the tab for group meetups. There are server costs and hardware replacement issues. There is time. There are games that we cannot get review code for but need to buy. The money goes a lot of places. Don’t ask for an audit.
You are in no way, of course, obliged to give anything at all. We have no prizes or Member’s Only benefits. Throughout this month, Rob will make the call for donations on the podcast in our annual pledge drive, and then we won’t mention it again until next year.
Thanks for your attention, and thanks for listening and reading. If people didn’t keep paying attention to me, I would probably die.
Pledge drive? Rob’s going to sound even more like an NPR host at the beginning of the podcast! (No worries–I love NPR.)
Well, you guys have certainly earned a donation for the last few weeks. Keep up the great work.
Glad to give so long as you guys keep making shows. Often insightful and always interesting.