Divinity 2 was recently reissued with a new expansion pack, so after hearing a number of really good things about it, I jumped in.
It’s been a while since I played a non-party RPG, Dungeon Crawl aside, so I forgot little things for some reason. Like how even a slight upgrade in your weapons can have a huge effect on your success in battle. Like how my usual warrior tactics of charging in and hoping the mage will clear the room for me are best left to action movies. Like how I need to adapt MMO tactics like kiting to suck monsters away from their friends.
I love RPGs – they aren’t games that generally force me to put my brain in an uncomfortable place like Rhythm Heaven does. And I am really enjoying Divinity 2 – I will do up a proper review once I have gotten through it.
What I do not love is being a moron. And as my friends will tell you, my high intelligence, wisdom and charisma do not prevent me from making an ass of myself either in public or private.
Quick save is not mapped in Divinity 2. So I chose a key that would cause no problems – Grave/Tilde, way over on the left. No problems. I might accidentally hit the 1 key, but since that was a power move, no big deal.
Then I somehow mapped my healing potions to the 1 key.
You can see where this is going.
Stuck in the middle of a tough battle, I reached for a potion. Hit the quick save. And screamed as I saw what I had done.
This is not an issue for a game that uses a lot of autosaves, but you have to understand that I save my RPGs very rarely. I think I used two or three save slots in Dragon Age. A few more when I played Oblivion or Fallout, because those games allowed more experimentation.
Anyway, I ended up replaying hours of the game because I am a moron.
Quick save is now the = key.
At least it has quick save! I have found myself confusing quick save and quick load with each other, usually mapping them something like f5 quick save and f9 quick load. A few times I have hit the wrong one and really been pissed.
I once had a similar experience (not sure which game but it was either a shooter or action RPG). I accidentally quick saved my game with a minuscule bit of life left in the middle of a fight. Stupidly, I hadn’t made a non quick save for a long time (10+ hours). Instead of replaying the game I spent the next hour or so replaying the same couple seconds of game mapping out every detail. Eventually I put together the perfect sequence of actions that, like in the Matrix, allowed me to dodge all of the bullets and make it to cover. It was extremely frustrating but also one of the more fulfilling moments of my gaming history.
Two Worlds II game have the most strange quick save key ever – L Alt + F1…so you will never miss click it.
I love the challenge of recoverying from an impossible quick save position… it’s almost a game in itself sometimes.
“my high intelligence, wisdom and charisma”
Well, perhaps you should add some strength and constitution if you’re having trouble playing single player. ;)
I have done this repeatedly in many, many games, although FPSes dominate. Half-Life actually let you quicksave while dead, which led to more than one scream of frustration and a lengthy replay from the last autosave when I overshot the quickload key.
I’m planning on picking up Divinity 2, but I’m waiting to see if it becomes a Daily Deal on Steam first. I’m in no great hurry, but I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it as much as everyone else seems to be.
Ahh, Oblivion. I loved saving my game in Oblivion. I had well over 1,000 saves. The cool thing in Oblivion is that each save means a break in the time stream. Think of it this way, you have 5 saves, each of those 5 saves represents five tangents in time. Now imagine over 1,000 saves. The possibilities are endless. I had so many alternate universes going on, it was bat crazy in oblivion. On top of that, I had something like a dozen toons. Nuts but fun.
@Tim McDonald
Don’t get me started on Half-Life saves. I dreaded having a save when I was near death. I just gave up after a while and let the auto-save do it’s thing.