I married above my station to someone smarter and more organized than I am. Her book, Brokering Belonging: Chinese in Canada’s Exclusion Era, 1885-1945, is now available at Amazon.
I don’t expect any of you to buy it, but it’s worth an announcement anyway because I saw how hard this was for her to write and the finished product is excellent.
Ordered. That actually looks like an _amazing_ topic. The longer I’ve been in politics, the more I take to heart Gramsci’s theories on hegemony, specifically the way they relate to race and class. A treatment that would take theory and put it into practical, historical terms would be of enormous value to me.
Reading a book about Canadian history is also useful. So this was kind of a no-brainer…
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I’m noticing a pattern here, your gaming blog linking the book appears to have skewed things a just a bit.
On a more serious note, I’m rather curious as to who this book was written for because it sounds like one of the most specific subjects ever targeted. Is it like where college professors write a book to show off to other college professors or is she thinking that this book will fill a want currently left open in the wider market?
Yeah, I broke the “people saw” thing.
The book is for people in her field (obviously), the Chinese Canadian community (which is very large and interested in its history) and people interested in the question of integration and illegal immigration.
Yes, mostly an audience of academics.
Infinite Space? Ace Attorney Investigations? Now THAT is actually something of a surprise — I imagined the readerbase would be far more PC-centric.
Then again, Ginger Yellow does use a Phoenix Wright icon to comment.
I actually may buy that book–she sounds crazy smart,and as someone who spent a couple years as a PoliSci major and a history buff, it sounds like a fascinating read.
To Jared: It seems like it would do well in a specific course. For example, I took one about how countries treated illegal immigrants in the 1900s and 1800s back in 2006. So it could easily have ground in any political or history classroom, even Asian studies.
Not everyone wants to read general surveys about general subjects, Jared. Some of us enjoy deepening as well as broadening our knowledge.