It’s that time of year. And in a long IM conversation with Bill Abner about war games and sports, I caved to a base impulse and pre-ordered.
Less than a week until the Nats lose the first of 93 games.
It’s that time of year. And in a long IM conversation with Bill Abner about war games and sports, I caved to a base impulse and pre-ordered.
Less than a week until the Nats lose the first of 93 games.
Well, the Nats have something in common with one good team (Red Sox)…they both “almost” got Mark Texiera (who has sounded like such a punk sinced he signed with the Evil Empire).
Love the simulator games…I have become a great fan of the Solecimic games; makes great pro + college football simulators. OOTP has a great history as well, should be a good one.