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RTS Pro-Tips

April 13th, 2008 by Troy Goodfellow · 1 Comment · Gamers, RTS

Regular reader and commenter Natus has pointed me to RTS Professional, a site dedicated to teaching people how to improve their RTS game. The video player isn’t very clear, but the voice over narration helps a little.

It’s a good idea to have this sort of thing in one place. They have a “fundamentals” audio only guide that you can buy for 15 bucks, and I’m not sure that’s such a great value for information you can find pretty much anywhere; especially since video is really the value added here.

All the “pros” are experienced champions of RTS tourneys, so the advice you’re getting is probably better than anything I could churn out.

Especially since I’m not very good.


One Comment so far ↓

  • Alan Au

    Yeah, there’s a lot of free content out there for people seeking to become more competitive. Personally, I’m a fan of the GameReplays.org site.