My weekend Vassal/Brettspiel/Skype sessions with Bruce and browsing at Board Game Geek have gotten me more interested in how I can make board games a bigger part of my life. To that end, I give you Bill Abner’s Top Ten Board Games of last year.
Shogun sure looks pretty.
Knizia is always a good bet for deep and engaging games (as long as you forget about the themes). Another great Knizia game worth looking at is Blue Moon City.
Twilight Struggle is nice, though I feel the game suffers a good deal from critical luck (i.e., specific card combinations/die rolls can decide the game entirely), which I find annoying for a game of such length. Good – but overrated, in my opinion. Hammer of the Scots is a brilliant simple wargame. Hannibal is a classic; the best of the card-driven games yet made.
Still waiting for a chance at Shogun, but have been enjoying “Struggle of Empires” for multi-player goodness.
Except for Hannibal , Twilight Struggle, and Hammer of the Scots…no…no…NO.
And Troy man, you need to ditch the Vassal (or at least slow down on it) and get some face to face time in. I mean c’mon, you’re spending all that time attaching stickers to blocks, it would be a shame if they then sit in a box unused.
Yeah, I know Scot. And my wife is a good sport with letting me try these out on her.
My big problem is that my nerdly social circles have been left behind as I moved around the continent and my current social circle is more the “dinner with wine” socializing type. Maybe a ballgame.
It’s all well and good to say “find people” when that doesn’t mean your local group is full of students. And I think that this year will mean more in person board gaming. I love the tactile.
But don’t diss Vassal. It’s a great system for people like me whose friends don’t live within a ten mile radius and who have no desire to drive an hour to Rockville to sit in a gaming store devoted to Magic.
Hey, if your wife is willing to wargame with you I hope you’re getting her a really nice anniversary gift this year. :)
I know all about those Magic stores and their clientele, but sometimes if you sit down and pull out something more meaty (but not too meaty, you don’t want to scare anyone off by unloading Case Blueon them) folks will become curious.
It doesn’t hurt to also throw something out there on the Geek in the forums. Who knows, maybe you have a hardcore gamer living right down the street.
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