In August 2005 I made a big deal about passing the 5000 hit counter for all time. That took about nine months.
May 2006 on its own will have 5000 hits. Plus the few dozen who get the feed through Feedburner or Bloglines or Google Reader or what have you. Traffic is growing steadily and I have you all to thank for it. (In fact, comments are more than keeping pace with posts – I’m closing in on two comments per post.)
Tell your friends.
I find that the “recent comments” thing helps tremendously.
Congrads! It’s an impressive blog, and I’m in awe when you’re able to post two or three times in a 24 hour period. And it’s not silly stuff (ya know the blogs I’m talking about…”Today I’m having pizza for dinner.”) but some really good reads!
Here’s wishing you 5000 hits a day!
I discovered your blog in the aftermath of trying to find out what happened to my May issue of Computer Games. I’ve been enjoying it ever since. Congratulations and thank you!
I’m one of the ones who reads it through Google Reader so you’re not seeing any stats from me. But I read every post*.
I don’t know if there’s any way you can estimate the readership you get through feeds. Shame…
* How could I not, it’s a great blog. Actually it’s a great strategy website, blog or not.
I don’t bother actually looking up my own blog’s stats – are you able to see how many RSSfeed/Google Reader readers you have in your stats, or are those people not counted automatically?
The Feedburner Icon on the sidebar (which isn’t always showing up properly…) counts how many people are using RSS readers. It now stands at 52.
Oh, *that* icon… tee hee, how’d I miss that? :)