In another example of the intelligent use of taxpayers’ money, my homeland is looking for the Great Canadian Game. Or at least Telefilm Canada is.
If it doesn’t have curling, donuts and beavers, I will be very, very disappointed.
Still, this is one more reason for me to go to GDC in March.
Yes. Attend GDC. I can introduce you to… well, pretty much everyone :)
I’m registered. Now I just need to find a cheap place to sleep.
Oh, you’re Canadian too, eh? Cool. :)
Yep. From the wilds of Northern New Brunswick. Then I sold my soul.
Sold your soul… you moved? ;)
Worse. Moved to Toronto. Then to the Hated United States. I betrayed all that Maritimers hold sacred.
Ah, so you passed through my hometown as I suspected; and you’re in the US now, eh?