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The most beautiful game world ever

October 5th, 2006 by Troy Goodfellow · No Comments · Uncategorized

Last month I said that Paraworld would be an interesting title to watch. It has a truly unique setting and, most importantly, dinosaurs. People love dinosaurs.

Bill Harris has suggested that it might be “the most beautiful gameworld ever created“.

I avoid using superlatives like “best game”, “prettiest world” or “worst writer”. Not because I don’t have opinions on these, but because I know that as soon as I do, someone is going to remind me of something I’ve forgotten. And beauty is more than pixel deep when in comes to games.

Not that Paraworld isn’t good looking. I just don’t see a lot that sets it apart from the other RTS contenders. Age of Empires III has a polished shine about it, with reflections and shadows and shuddering trees. Rise of Legends has a confidence in its own mythology that transfers easily from desert to forest to industrial plain. Battle for Middle Earth II has a beautiful gameworld that isn’t even its own.

As for Paraworld itself, try out the demo before you buy. I can see why people love it, but it’s fallen into the “wait and see” category for me. No matter how beautiful it is.


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