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Video Game Ombudsman

January 17th, 2005 by Troy Goodfellow · No Comments · Uncategorized

I encourage you to check out the gaming blogs I link to on the right hand of the screen. Lots of them out there, but there are my favorites.

Video Game Ombudsman(aka Kyle Orland) has had a couple of great stories this past week. One is on the recent ESA press release that emphasizes that gamers have a life outside of their games. It has data on religious observance, reading habits, etc. VGO makes a great point that the specialist press (gaming magazines and websites) has done a pretty bad job at breaking out of the gamer nerd stereotype. I strain to think of the latest issue of any of the gaming mags I read that didn’t make a Star Wars reference. Somehow I doubt that the New York Review of Books does this all the time, though there’s a good chance that a lot of Star Wars geeks read that too.

Earlier this week he posted on how he would change the programming at the woeful G4 network, currently in the midst of a programming reshuffle that largely meant axing much the TechTV stuff that they spent so much money acquiring. One of his best program ideas – in other words, a programming idea that I have been musing about for some time – is a video game roundtable discussion show. He bills it as a McLaughlin Group on games and the game industry – I think I’d prefer more a Tucker Carlson Show approach. Have a moderator and a rotating group of industry writers and experts to talk about what’s going on in the industry.

Weekly may be a bit much to ask. The issues that face gamers and gaming aren’t that pressing. I guess you could have a different focus every week, with a couple on industry issues and others on the games themselves. I can already think of the people that I would stick on such a show. (I would moderate of course…).

Anyway, this is more a plea to give Mr. Orland the readership his blog deserves. I’m sure he gets many, many more readers than me, but if I can do anything to send another one his way, I’m happy to do so.


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