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Brad Wardell Leaks All Over the Place

April 7th, 2007 by Troy Goodfellow · 7 Comments · Stardock

Hey, it’s his company, so the Stardock head honcho can do whatever he wants. But he has dropped some tasty game design nuggets about his upcoming fantasy strategy game over at Quarter to Three.

Quick summary? Heavy emphasis on player development, simultaneous movement, big on magic and dragons will kill a lot of stuff.

Naturally, Wardell pops up in reference to yet another series of reminiscences about Master of Magic, the most sought after average Civ-clone in the history of gaming.


7 Comments so far ↓

  • baby arm

    It’s funny that he mentions that it’ll be some months before talking about the game officially, yet he posts these somewhat substantial details in a forum with a lot of traffic and populated by plenty of game journalists and bloggers. Mr. Wardell is crazy like a fox. Or maybe slightly senile at an early age. Either way, I’m looking forward to hearing more.

  • Jon Shafer

    Haha, who’s complaining? :)

    I look forward to seeing Stardock’s next project. Fall From Heaven, a mod for Civ 4 has met with quite a bit of success for an unofficial fan mod so there’s obviously still a niche for a quality Fantasy TBS.

  • Troy

    Hey, no complaint here. This is what happens when PR doesn’t have to clear your every word.

    It’s also clear from everything he writes and says that Brad is a total gaming fanboy and enthusiastic about his projects. No way he could keep things bottled up too long in any case.

  • Jon Shafer

    Oh yeah. It’s fun just to talk about what cool things you’re working on. Wish I could talk about the stuff I’m doing. :)

  • Troy

    Not as much as I wish it…

    “Sid Meier’s Dinosaur Pirates at Gettysburg: A Soren Johnson Joint”

  • Alan

    At this point, there are only a handful of ways this hurts Stardock: (1) Brad over-promises, (2) the project is excessively delayed, or (3) this information runs afoul of some contractual exclusivity agreement. The upside is that it generates some early buzz among industry press folks, and it gives Brad an opportunity to bounce ideas off of a strategy-friendly crowd.

  • Jon Shafer

    Early buzz is good, but unregulated it can hurt you long-term. You want to time the buzz to get the most sales so giving away some major bullet points a couple years out may or may not be in your best interest. It’s certainly in our best interest though. :)