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Age of Empires 3

December 18th, 2004 by Troy Goodfellow · No Comments · Uncategorized

For the last couple of weeks, Ensemble Studios has had little historical teasers on their website, advertising the upcoming Age of Empires 3. So far we’ve had the usual stuff on Sargon, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.

Now we have one that’s clearly Medieval – “1096 – the First Crusade”.

This can only mean one thing. Age of Empires 3 will be a combination of the first two Age games, taking us from the beginning of history into the Middle Ages.

Will they go beyond that? Unclear, but unlikely. Bruce Shelley told me in an unpublished interview that pre-mechanization weapons have a lot going for them game design wise, not least of which are ease of comprehension and looking cool.

So you heard it hear – but probably not first – “Age of Empires 3: Stabby, stabby goodness.”


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